Saturday 25 January 2025
Power Denmark organizes one-day
conference on
bats, birds and fish ▲
one-day conference was organized in Copenhagen during the 21st of
January. It was Green Power Denmark who organized the event, an
organization who represents companies, owners and developers in the renewable
energy industry.
A one-day event only gives a glimpse of the issues in hand when concerning
threats to nature. The lectures were not reflecting any aspect within
environmental issues, but were rather an accidental compilation of various
topics. Three lectures included bats, one on birds, and one on fish. One lecture
was about DNA analysis on saltwater fish, another on Artificial Intelligence.
Three presentations addressed the general topic from a political point of view.
So the conference was a head-first approach, not really addressing the crucial
The conference does show that nature is starting to become a topic within the
wind energy industry, and we can hope that this event inspires to future
follow-ups. However, with the complexity and extensive information within
several scientific disciplines, it is important that such an event is held over
several days, allowing a more complete and thought through program of talks.
Furthermore, the main problem today is not the science or mitigation, but rather
that the industry does not carry out the Environmental Impact Assessments
according to the requirements by law.
Image to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 4 January 2025
We wish
our readers a Happy New Year 2025 ▲
With the European
Bat Research Symposium and the European Bat Detector Workshop, both
held in Catalonia last September and the 20th
International Bat Research Conference in Australia next August, we seem
to be back on track again after the Covid-19 pandemic. The year 2025 will be
good for conferences! The 9th
European Congress of Mammals is to be held in Greece during April. In
September the 8th
Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife Impacts will be held in France.
September also brings the 19th
International Bioacoustics Congress to Denmark. Not forgetting the IBRC
in Australia. All these conferences are of high interest to bat workers.
As the editor of
turned 60 years just two days ago, and with 32 years of extensive bat work, my
objective is to make 2025 the year of the bat worker. I have ambitions of
following up much of my older work, and hope this year will prosperous for your
bat work as well.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 28 December 2024
guidelines for handling bats in captivity ▲
NIFF has
through many years advice to people who find dislocated or injured bats. The
objective has been to guide the person the best way of handling the specific
situation. In general it is not practical for NIFF to handle most bats, as this
includes a lot of extra travel to inspect, pick up and return the animals in
question. The bats should always be returned to the place of discovery, since
this increases the chance for survival. Handling individuals in captivity also
requires a lot of attention and resources, which we do not have to the needed
In 2024 we received a number of strays of Parti-Colored Bats from the Oslo area.
We also received a bat from a North Sea oil rig. As we have acquired extensive
experience through the years, we have now started to compile the knowledge. The
guidelines will contain practical information as to how bats should be handled
and managed in captivity. Many of our clients are veterinarians, and the
guidelines are a tool that can be used in our network.
So the guidelines
will remain internal, with frequent updates.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 14 December 2024
initiate North Sea weather monitoring to predict bat migration ▲
NIFF received our first bat from a North Sea oil rig in 2006, we receive
irregular reports on bats found at these installations
in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. We know bats cross the North Sea annually in
various numbers, since they often are discovered at offshore oil rigs or on the
Faeroe Islands, Shetland Islands or the Orkney Island. Our present knowledge on
what weather conditions is necessary for bat migration is relatively good. So
NIFF has started to monitor potential migration weather during fall. The weather
is monitored during August through October, and the results may then be matched
with actual bat sightings in the North Sea area.
More information will be available in the next issue of Fennoscandian
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 16 November 2024
Pettersson launces T10 Ultrasound speaker and microphone tester ▲
This product was
launched last summer and became known at the EBRS in Tarragona, where Lars
Pettersson displayed his product. Pettersson never talks loud about his
products, all though they are known for their high quality and durability. After
becoming aware of the T10 (Pettersson does not update his news page), it also
became apparent that he had launched his first own speaker, the L400, already in
2014 (or earlier).
However, the T10 seems to have been developed as a microphone tester for
the Pettersson detectors, where built-in test sounds can be used for testing the
performance of ultrasonic microphones. But the device may also be used as a
Bat-Lure, since pre-recorded bat calls can be connected to the T10.
The T10 only costs 300 euros without tax or shipment, and may be ordered
from Lars Pettersson AB via his web-page
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 9 November 2024
The hibernation season for bats has started ▲
winter, we meet a cold season without insects. All North European bat species
are insectivorous, making their only option for survival to hibernate. The
animals choose frost free environments, without disturbance.
The hibernation period varies with species and regional climate. In the
north, hibernation can start already in September, while in Denmark and Scania
this can be extended till December, if temperature permits. However, the bats’
flight activity is reduced fast during fall. In the Oslo-area and Svealand, the
bats dissappear already as the month turns September. But to the south, in
Götaland or Denmark, flight activity remains for still another month or two.
NIFF started recently to monitor also the winter temperature at our phenology
stations throughout Scandinavia. The data is collected from the national
meteorological institutes, and set up with monthly graphs illustrating minimum,
maximum and average temperatures per day. The data is presented directly on some
of our projects’ web-pages (Rogaland Arboretum, Romsåsen Mines, Party-colored
Bats in Oslo), but is also included in our annual reports.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 2 November 2024
Monitoring of fall phenology has come to a seasonal end ▲
This falls monitoring of bat flight
activity has come to its seasonal end. Four passive detectors have been located
at phenology stations in Norway and Sweden, monitoring bat flight activity by an
automated system recording their ultrasound. The detectors have sampled sound
data the entire August and September, and now it remains to relate the results
with the local weather conditions and its geography.
More information about the phenology project and its results is available
on NIFF’s web-page covering this year’s fall phenology.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 5 October 2024
report on hibernating bats at Mønsted limestone mines ▲
March 2013 the CEO Per Vegger installed a camera-based counter to register bats
entering or leaving the mines. This was done to monitor the number of bats
present in the mines at any time. The results were also made available on their
web-pages, something which was useful for consultancies who needed to know when
bats become available in the field during spring.
Morten Elmeros from the Danish Centre for Environment and Energy (DCE,
Aarhus University) overtook the management of the counter, and in May he
published the results in his report «Bestandsovervågning af flagermusarter i
Mønsted Kalkgruber med fotofælder og citizen science». In the report it is
wrongly informaed that the counting equipment was installed in August 2022,
which actually happened almost 10 years earlier, in 2013. So the work in 2022 is
to be considered an upgrade and adjustment of equipment and work.
The work to DCE is a continuation of Per Vegger’s project, which as CEO at
Mønsted Kalkgruber made sure the equipment was installed in the mines. The
equipment has been designed and installed by the German Karl Kugelschafter from
ChiroTEC in 2013.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 28 September 2024
The Swedish Species Information Centre poses with false authority ▲
The Swedish Species Information
Centre (Artdatabanken), which is managed by the Swedish Biodiversity
Centre at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), publishes
false impression to the mandate of the Swedish Species Observation System
(Artportalen). In their book, written by Johnny de Jong from the Swedish
Biodiversity Centre, they emphasize that their database on bat observations
provides a foundation to make assessments of population size, distribution and
trends, which in turn is the basis for national red data lists.
Earlier, NIFF revealed that Swedish scientists normally avoid to provide
information to the National Database. Even professor Ingemar Ahlén,
worked for SLU, and was one of the creators of the Swedish Species
Observation System, never induced his own routines to add his observations
to this database. Johnny de Jong, who was an apprentice to Ahlén, and the only
person who have bats as his field of interest at SLU, has not utelized the
National Database in any significant way either.
Image to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 14 September 2024
Successful European Bat Detector Workshop held in Mura ▲
After a seven year
interuption (lost 1.5 events since year 2017) the EBDW tradition is hopefully
back on track. The delay was due to the disturbance of the Covid-19 pandemic. So
now, finally, the 11th EBDW was organized in Catalonia. The five-day event was
carried out in the Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park, just one
hour drive north of Catalonia’s capital Barcelona. The workshop was held at
Alberg Els Caus hostel in Mura, where all activities were located, except for
the evening trips. Mura is an enclave in the hart of the park, which surrounds
the village on three sides.
The workshop was organized by Leif Gjerde from Scandinavia (NIFF), with
the assistens from Mounir Abi-Said from Lebanon. The event was in cooperation
with Granollers museum and the park administration, which both provided limited
local, but relevant information.
The event hosted 16 people from 12 countries, and interesting recordings
were sampled from a number of localities both within and just outside the park.
Now it remains to organize the collected data, and make this available to the
public. Firstly, photo galleries will be included in
article presenting the workshop will be published in Fennoscandian Bats’
fall number. Furthermore, the workshop web-page and will be updated.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 31 August 2024
studies started
and detectors deployed ▲
Each spring and fall we try to
monitor the flight activity as it increases or decreases as insect availability
and temperature changes during the seasons.
The data collected is a part of a Scandinavian phenology monitoring
project, where deployed passive detectors record sound activity just after
sunset when bat activity is at its highest. The stations need to be deployed and
collected every season, limited by the number of detectors and travel funds
available. We have a number of stations operating in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
The monitoring projects have its own web-page, unfortunately only
available in Scandinavian languages.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 24 August 2024
Pettersson developed bat Auto-ID for Scandinavia ▲
Pettersson has recently developed an Auto-ID for Scandinavia. The name is
Batsound ID, and has been mainly developed to target the Swedish bat
species. However, it is also functional for the Norwegian and Danish species,
since Scandinavia have almost the same bat fauna.
The software may be purchased for SEK 5400. The price covers one user on
one computer. There is no cheating with subscriptions, such as Wildlife
Acoustics do with their Kaleidoscope. When you have Batsound ID, it is
free for you to use, as much as you wish, until the day you die! No hidden costs
are added.
Since the market is limited to users in Scandinavia, he has not posted
information about his software on his web-pages. However, information might
eventually be more available, and we can hope he expands the number of species
included in his software.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 20 April 2024
Norwegian Species Database still controversial with poor functionality ▲
The Norwegian Biodiversity
Information Centre (Artsdatabanken),
owned by the Ministry of the Environment, is considered controversial in
Norway. Their database, Norwegian Species Observation System (Artsobservasjoner),
contains several flaws and insufficiencies, and do not take consideration to
that there are other independent databases being operated.
The most obvious lacks are: (1) the source of the observations do not show
good enough; (2) the observer and contributor are registered together with the
observations, but not the source; (3) ownership and conditions are not shown;
(4) unregistered users of the platform cannot be listed as observers.
Large projects, involving bulk information, are difficult to convert into
single observations. This might be information connected to reports or data
loggers. In such cases it would be better to supply representative examples with
reference to the report in question.
NIFF had a few years ago a survey of Karmøy municipality. The municipality
administration wished to transfer the data from the report to NSOS, but
encountered practical difficulties. The municipality was informed of the
challenges of converting report data to a database, and chose not to pursue the
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 6 April 2024
New Danish management plan covering bats ▲
The Danish management plan for bats (Forvaltningsplan
for flagermus) was published in 2013. It was the Danish Environmental
Protection Agency’s (DEPA) who provided it as tool when environmental impact
assessments (EIA) were to be carried out. The main problem has been that most
firms interpret it as an instruction, and not as guidelines. Furthermore, the
guidelines become more inacurate and poor as the years pass. Knowledge on bat
management has increased tremendously during recent years, and applied law
becomes more important. DEPA has unfortunately showed no interest in updating
the recommendations.
NIFF secretary, Leif Gjerde, have during the past 15 years carried out a
number of EIA’s on bats in Denmark. This work has been carried out through
Naturopa Consultancies, and includes wind turbines, tree management and
demolishing buildings. In 2014 and 2015 he was also involved in NOVANA, which is
the Danish long term monitoring programme on bats.
It is his experience which makes the
baseline for the new management plan which NIFF now is planning on writing. For
practical reasons the new guidelines written by NIFF will have the same name as
the report from 2013. The guidelines are planned to be published during the end
of 2014, or the spring of 2025.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 24 February 2024
Swedish book on bats present false information ▲
Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU) published a new book on bats in
Sweden just before Christmas. It is their scientific leader Johnny de Jong who
authored the book entitled «Fladdermössens landskap.
Guide till fladdermöss och hur man kan
bevara dem i det brukade landskapet»,
or roughly translated to «The landscape of the bats.
A guide to bats, and how to preserve
them in the human landscape».
The book gives an impression of being an authority within this field, thus
making it responsible for presenting a balanced understanding and presentation
of its contents.
Introducing details on species identification is limited, making the book
unsuited for identification purposes. This should be warned about in the book.
If not, the book will wrongly be interpreted as a suitable source for
identification by non-professionals. Without this information, the book becomes
a legitimate source for identification amongst amateurs, adding to the confusion
of misidentified observations added to publications and databases.
Swedish names of bat species is not
commented in the book. There
are historically established names, and three scientific bodies give their own
names to Swedish bat species. The three are Rune Gerell and Ingemar Ahlén with
their networks, and NIFF. There are no rules or law that regulate naming animal
species in Sweden, but in practice the management authorities will support
Artsdatabanken, since it used as a source by public authorities.
The book also refers to the organization Batlife Sweden. This is the
English name of Fladdermusföreningen i Sverige (which is a branch of
NIFF). This organization administrates the web-pages,,
og fladdermö, (=bat/bats in in Swedish). These domains have been in use by
NIFF for around 20 years. However, the Batlife Sweden the book is referring to,
is a new Swedish organization established in 2019, which duplicated NIFFs’ name.
The book does not inform about this.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 17 February 2024
Norwegian Species Observation System whitewash ownership of data ▲
At a lecture held by the organization
SABIMA for the Botanical Assosiation of Oslo & Akerhus on the 14. February, it
was pointed
out that observations of plant- and animal species can only be owned by one of
their registered users of Artsobservasjoner. This means that a private person
who registers an observation of the Nordic Bat, Artsobservasjoner will credit
the observation NZF as owner!
However, we must emphasize that observations, as they are data, are not
covered by any copyright laws, and is therfore not protected. The Norwegian
Biodiversity Information Centre (Artsdatabanken), which is a part of the
Governments management, must be clearer on which rights apply to the observer,
and what rights they loose when contributing data to a public database.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 10 February 2024
many Party-colored Bats at NIFFs’ bat hospital ▲
going astray is typical for the summer months of July and August when the young
are learning to fly. But this also happens during fall and winter, after a significant
change in weather and temperature. Often the first snowfall and/or frost may
result in bats loosing their way, but this also may happen during winter when
the weather sometimes turn extra cold.
This year’s winter started early as temperatures during the last days of
October reached below freezing. Both December and January have had several
periods of severely low temperatures, in which it has reached below -30ºC. When
it becomes extra cold, bats move away from openings and entrances to avoid
freezing. In buildings this results in bats intruding further into the buildings
construction, putting them at risk of getting caught or lost.
This is when they often our found by people, who
then seek help from NIFF.
Party-colored Bats
generally hibernate in buildings, and bats found at this time of year usually
involve this species. As a rule, we give advice to the public so they can solve
the situation themselves. However, knowledge on the Parti-colored Bat’s winter
ecology is still small. So often we visit and check the bat ourselves if it is
within the Oslo area. These bats are checked, fed and put into hibernation,
until it is safe to release them outside.
This winter we have received more phone calls then usual, probably due to
the extra cold weather. The bat hospital have received five Parti-colored Bats,
all originating from Østfold, Romerike and
the Drammen area. Furthermore,
all bats were found in December and January during outdoor temperatures ranging
between -15 and -30ºC.
We will include more information in our next issue of Fennoscandian Bats.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 3 February 2024
Environmental Protection Agency hides requirements for EIA on bats ▲
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) (Danish=Miljøstyrelsen) is
the Danish authority responsible for managing bats. Søren Egelund Rasmussen from
DEPA represents Denmark in the European bats agreement, which is managed by
EUROBATS in Bonn. Correct and extensive advice from DEPA is therefore essential,
especially for consultancy firms carrying out environmental impact assessments
on buildings being demolished, felling of trees, road construction projects or
building new wind farms.
own web-pages do not mention their own guidelines, Forvaltningsplan for
flaggermus, which was established in 2013. Furthermore, they do not mention
that their management plan is old and outdated, or when a new version is
expected. Also the advice from EUROBATS has been left out. Their advice has been
developed with help of the Danish authorities, which also have approved them,
thus making them obligated to follow in accordance to their commitment to the
European agreement. At the same time, DEPAs’ web-page do not inform of
rulings made by
Danish Town and Country Planning Board of Appeal
(Planklagenævnden) on EIAs carried out at planned wind farms. These rulings are
legally binding when applied to other wind farm projects.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 20 January 2024
Cold records and snow covering the entire Scandinavia ▲
An early start on the winter,
combined with several periods of cold spells, result in many people call NIFF
regarding found bats. At many locations temperature records have been broken
with temperatures below -30ºC. The temperatures at Romsås in Oslo and the mines
at Askim are shown on their web-pages, respectively.
So during December and January we have received a number of requests for
advice at locations where bats have reappeared inside due to the cold. These
records probably do not represent bats in flight outdoors, which has just
recently seeked shelter. Rather it probably represents individuals in buildings
which have been forced further away from the outside cold. In doing so, they
eventually appear inside buildings and become discovered. All the requests for
help NIFF have received so far this winter is from the Oslo Fjord area and
Also Scania and all of Denmark have had colder weather then normal during
December and January. Frost and snow has covered these areas during several
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 10 January 2024
11th European Bat Detector Workshop
co-organized by NIFF ▲
The last EBDW workshop was in Biddarai in 2018.
Due to interuption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the workshop was in Finland
was never carried out as planned. Now, with a physical European Bat Research
Conference in Catalonia during September 2024, we are announcing our plans for a
bat detector workshop.
The workshop will be held 6-10 of September at a
location within travel distance from the conference. NIFF and local bat workers
are cooperating to enable this traditional event to continue.
Details and pictures on the 11 EBDW is constantly
updated here.
Information on travel, local bat fauna and program will be presented as it
becomes available.
Information on earlier workshops (both the alpine
and the regular one) is available on The picture to the
right is from the European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop in Askim (Norway) during
2019. Laura Torent, here building her own bat detector, is also one of the
organizers from Catalonia.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 6 January 2024
guidelines are ignored by the Danish wind industry ▲
The Agreement on the Conservation
of Populations of European Bats is a part of the Bonn Convention
which covers European all migratory species bird and mammal species. The
agreement is signed by Denmark, making them obligated to respect it.
Søren Egelund Rasmussen from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency
represents the agreement on behalf of the authorities.
However, these recommendations seem only to be followed if instructions
from the ministry are issued. It is therefore of utmost importance that the
Ministry themselves inform the general public of the European recommendations.
The guidelines in which also Denmark has been involved in defining, is not for
there just for decoration.
Picture to be added ...
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Sunday 23 April 2023
Software problems
delayed phenology study ▲
Every year we monitor spring and fall phenology of
bat activity in Scandinavia. The results are presented on our web page
We use Song Meter 2 (Wildlife Acoustics) and Anabat Express and
Anabat Swift (Titley Scientific).
The economy usually limit how many phenology stations are covered by the
detectors. Travel and maintenance costs are high, and the main challenge of our
work. However, understanding and keeping up with the technology is time
consuming and complicated, especially when a number of brands and models are
Still, the bulk of our detectors are currently
Anabat Express. But there has been some programming issues related to the
schedule. The challenge has been to include the deployment locations' grid
references. The schedule file cannot be renamed, and Titley Scientific
has not included the possibility to read the schedule files in their software.
In practice this means that the schedule files need to be recreated every time.
However, the Anabat Toolbox, where the schedule is created, is
inconsistent in how it operates. Generally it is required an internet connection
and Java-script to be able to include the deployment coordinates. But sometimes
this does not work. Installing the coordinates manually into the schedule file
should also be possible, but often does not work.
avoid these problems in the future we have pre-programmed a number of schedules
to bypass any malfunction by the Anabat Toolbox. However, if Titley
Scientific would ensure their software to read the schedule files, and that
these files could be renamed, it would make the work of the common bat worker
much easier.
Stormuseøre. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde.
Sunday 2 April 2023
Greater Mouse-eared
Bat discovered in Daugbjerg Kalkgruber on Danish Jutland ▲
On Wednesday 22 March, the owner of
Daugbjerg Kalkgruber, Carsten Christensen, made a unique find in the history of
the Danish bat fauna. He discovered an individual of the Greater Mouse-eared Bat
(Myotis myotis) on an inspection round of the mines. The bat was
photographed in order to document the find.
It is TV Midtvest in Holstebro who published this on their website on 27
The species is widespread in Germany and has a small occurrence in Scania
(Sweden). But in Denmark it has only been registered once before, when a
specimen was found as a mummy in Maribo Cathedral during 2004. Otherwise, four
uncertain sightings have been registered on Lolland and South Zealand during the
period 2018-2020.

Greater Mouse-eared Bat. Photo: Fraçois Schwaab. |
Saturday 18 March 2023
Still snow and winter ▲
Last weekend we experienced a lot of new snow in
Southern Scandinavia.
On monday most of Denmark was covered in snow, while the Stockholm region had a
snow storm. The south of Norway (Sørlandet) and a larger part of central eastern
Norway (Østlandet) received much snow. Furthermore, most of Svealand and Götaland
was covered in snow.
New amounts of snow also came in the next few
During spring it is normal to have periods that
shift between cold and warm weather. However, this years spring is already
starting. Observations of bats in flight has been made on 26. February in Linköping, 28.
February just north of Göteborg (dayrime observation), 2. and 17. March in
Skåne, and on 9. March in Småland.
You can read more about how climate and the seasons influence bat activity
on our
phenology pages.
Here you can also find more information on this years early observations.

The latest snowfall arrived on 16.-17. March. The picture is from the
Oslo-area, taken on 18.
March. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 11 March 2023
The spring
phenology studies have started ▲
From 1.
March we started our phenology studies in Scandinavia. A number of passive detectors
are now being prepared for deployment at various localities, where they will
register activity untill end of May. The objective is to monitor flying activity
as number increase towards the summer. Last year we had problems with several of
our detectors, and a poor economy. Now several detectors have been serviced, so
we hope to get a partial season this year.
We encourage people to support our phenology
monitoring program financially, or by hosting a passive detector. We need people
to help in Skåne, eastern Svealand, in
Norrland, København and Bornholm.
Weather data and spring observations are
currently being included in our phenology
web pages.
These web pages are frequently being upgraded as we are searching for good
solutions for monitoring phenology.
A more extensive report will be included
in our next number of Gudnjoloddi,
as well as in our Annual report.

An AnaBat Swift recording spring activity during 2022. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 18 February 2023
Unusual winter mating activity by the Parti-colored Bat ▲
In 1994 Leif Gjerde started to study the Party-colored Bat's distribution in Skandinavia
during the mating season. All the coastal towns from Halden to Stavanger were
mapped, in addition to a number of Swedish and Danish towns. Since our
knowledge on the species' fall activity has increased significantly. However,
our knowledge of winter and spring activity is limited.
The mating season of the Parti-colored Bat starts in September and lasts
till December. It is the weather conditions that limit the activity towards the
end of the season. So mating calls may occationally be heard during winter or
spring if the conditions are favorable. Bengt Edqvist had a passive detector
deployed at the Swedish village Taberg in Småland this winter. He recorded
advertisment calling males during 10.-12. Januar and 11. to 13. February.
The book
Social Calls of the Bats of Britain and Ireland was published in its
second edition last year. It includes updated knowledge which has been aquired
by Gjerde, mostly from the township of Romsås in Oslo. If you wish to learn more
about the
Parti-colored Bat or the project at
Romsås in Oslo, you can browse their web-pages.

The cliff at Taberg. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 11 February 2023
Danish Mønsted kalkgruber terminate tradition guided bat trips
during hibernation ▲
The Mønsted Kalkgruber Foundation
started over ten years ago to organize bat tours inside the limestone mines in
which the bats hibernate.
The practice was new and unique, since at that time unnecessary winter
disturbances were generally not excepted by scientists or management
Disturbances reduce the animals' ability to survive the winter because their fat
reserves are compromised.
The tour itself only took place in a
very limited part of the mines during the winter holidays.
At first it was only organized trips at weekends, but later they have practiced
trips during every day of the winter holidays.
The area visited had relatively few bats.
At the same time, counts were carried out in the winter which indicate that the
human activity in the mines, as it has been practiced until now, had little
effect on the number of bats in the mines.
Incidentally, the same has also been demonstrated at Thinbæk mines just south of
The bat
safari during the winter holidays paid off well financially, and was accepted by
and before this
Skov- og Naturstyrelsen)
and Denmark's leading bat researcher Hans Jørgen Baagøe from the Zoological
Museum in Copenhagen.

A guided tour at Mønsted kalkgruber during 2012. Photo: Leif Yngve
Gjerde. |
Saturday 28 January 2023
conference present new knowledge on bat migration ▲
Just recently
Christian C. Voigt
and his staff from the
Leibniz Institute
of Zoo and Wildlife Research organized the
International Bat Research Online Symposium.
The symposium was organized during 24th and 25th of February, and was focused on
daily and seasonal movements in bats. Around
people from
countries participated in the webinar which
presented a number of lectures and posters during the two day event. A book of
abstracts has been produced.
NIFF was
present during the entire conference. A review of the symposium will be
included in the next number of
Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 21 January 2023
January is high season for hibernating bats ▲
During winter it is cold
and insects are inactive. This is the reason for why bats hibernate during
winter. The lack of food, combined with low temperatures force them to hibernate
to preserve their stored energy.
This stored energy is
body fat in which they have accumulated to survive the winter months. The
hibernation period varies much between regions, and is basically decided by
insect availability. Insect activity is in turn limited by air temperature, and
all night frost must be over before they emerge. First when the air temperature
exceeds 6 degrees Celsius the insect numbers become significant.
The hibernation period start already in October
for some species, and may stretch until May. Still, December,
January and February are considered as high season. Usually January is the
coldest winter month, thus bat workers use this period for monitoring the
hibernation sites, However, our knowledge is still scarce on the bats'
hibernation activity. If you observe hibernating bats in Scandinavia, or have
observed one during the winter months, we would appreciate any tips.

Bats are especially vulerable to disturbances during winter.
Photo: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 14 January 2023
municipality ignor all laws on conservation ▲
Requirements for
Environmental Impact
affect nature are
in the
Planning and Building Act, the Environmental Information Act and
Diversity Act.
At the same time,
to follow the European Bats
In practice, this means that in the case of
approved in the municipality,
also require Environmental Impact
This includes
all construction projects such as
wind turbines
In these cases bats
must always be
part of
In 2022, NIFF investigated whether
all the Norwegian
municipalities follow up on their legal obligations regarding bats.
An answer
municipal manager for agriculture, environment and technology, Kristian Nomedal
in Bjerkreim municipality,
that they have never carried out any statutory
Environmental Impact
on bats
during the past
25 years.
The municipality already has a wind farm with 70 wind turbines.
The construction
started in 2017. According to the municipality
no impact assessments on bats have been carried out.
Bjerkreim is located in the south-west of Norway, which is an important area for
migrating and hibernating bats.
Saturday 7 January 2023
Winter active bats ▲
Previously, scientists believed that bats were
inactive during
The activity of
bats reflects the outside
If it is too cold (below 6ºC) there are almost no active insects.
evenings it
warm enough
for both the insects and bats to become active.
This is
true for
areas where there is no snow cover.
South-facing slopes can also collect solar heat and emit heat in the early
But in order for the bats to be able to
the weather,
must be partially exposed
Animals that hide underground (caves, mines, etc.) have no way of knowing
whether it is mild outside
an evening.
On the other hand, the tree-dwelling
may easier sence the abient temperature,
also is true for the bats in
found in
that are free of snow
during the entire
allowing them
to also
fly out to drink.
Such species
all our
and the
Noctule species.
Studies in Europe have shown that
can fly outside to find food
the winter months of December, January and February,
the numbers
much lower than
other species
be active if the evening
sufficiently high.
Winter-active bats have never before been studied in Scandinavia.
the first day of
year, activity was recorded in
the Suprano
the Noctule
Rune Gerell and Karin G. Lundberg who
recorded the bats
with an ultrasound detector.
The observations
of the foraging bats
were made in a garden at Tågratorp in Sjöbo.

Photo: Kjetil Rolseth. |
Saturday 1 January 2023
An entire directorate
as members in NIFF ▲
is exposed to
ever-increasing restrictions and autonomy
from the Norwegian government who has an objective to digitize the entire
Norwegian members, and all Swedish and Danish members,
do not have the opportunity to apply for project funds
for Norwegian projects.
It is not possible to apply without a
which is only given to Norwegian residents.
At the same time, we cannot report
our results from current
projects either.
BankId is linked to private individuals and not the organization.
Whoever uses the BankId will be registered and made responsible, even if
it is another member who
out the project.
Another example is a notification to Rissa municipality about a breach of the
Animal Welfare Act resulting in no response.
sent their
answer to a third party who was Altinn at the Brønnøysund registers
(they administrate digital mail for the government).
Altinn then had no routines for forwarding the response from the
municipality, which meant that we never received an
It was the Directorate for Administration and IKT
(Difi), through former police director Ingelin Christine Killengren (born 12
November 1947), who started the process of digitizing Norway.
The process has not taken into account the fact that a large part of the
population cannot partially or completely use digital platforms.
In contrast, digitization is forced on all citizens, with those who fall outside
receiving no help
or alternatives.
At the same time, assumptions are made, without citizens' consent, that people
accept ever-increasing digitization.
As a protest against this, we have chosen to compulsorily register all 374
employees in the
Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
It is this directorate that has the greatest responsibility and blame for
digitalization, and we believe it is right that they get a taste of their own
This is also in line with the Government's practice and
their offices
such as NAV, the Norwegian Tax Administration and others, where theey
decisions without the citizens themselves being asked about decisions that
directly affect them.
new NIFF members were
registered on 30 December 2022, and according to the association's
they must opt out in writing (not digitally) if they do not wish to
a member.
Only members who are up to date can opt out.
This means that they must also pay membership fees
for 2023 before
withdrawal of membership can be accepted.
Bilde |
Saturday 24 December 2022
hibernation site
on Romsås ▲
A few days ago we received a phone call from Magne
Botten Gustavsen who works at Smart Elektro.
He worked on replacing some power lines in the Televerket building (Telenor)
which is next to Røverkollen on Romsås in Oslo.
He had found bat
in the cavities where the wire is pulled through,
and was worried about infection.
It was stated that there is no risk of infection associated with the excrement,
but that Romsås has a large population of autumn-roosting
that use cavities in the buildings.
The fact that
has been found indicates that the places where the electrician runs wires may
contain bats.
It was therefore requested that he be careful in his work so as not to harm the
he was not receptive to this, as he thought there were no bats there.
This is because he had not seen anyone at the
he had
At this time of year the bats may be hibernating.
If you are going to carry out work in places where there is a risk of
hibernating bats, it is important to call us for advice.
If no attempt is made to take this into account,
one risks breaking the law.

Romsåsen in Oslo.Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 17 December 2022
NIFF has finally had its own bank account restored
In 2020, we lost our bank account in Aurskog
Sparebank because we criticized the bank because the declaration they wanted us
to sign (which uses the Money Laundering Act as a pretext), also called the
Quisling declaration, is a violation of Section 102 of the
free communication.
It turns out that banks are generally unwilling to open an association account
that has little turnover.
Even the savings banks want high profits and choose to reject small
This despite the fact that the association covers the savings bank's
municipality, and the savings bank provides grants to local associations.
Pressure measures are used, such as the account holder having to become a total
customer of the bank.
This is of course extortion and untenable.
Typically, the banks sabotage by not answering the inquiries, ignoring them or
ensuring that the case takes months between each inquiry.
We have tried to open an account in Blaker Sparebank, Høland & Setskog Sparebank
Askim & Spydeberg Sparebank.
Now we have an account with DnB, which is Norway's most unstable bank.
It is state-owned, and the result of a number of mergers from, among others,
Postgiro/Postbanken, Den norske Creditbank, Bergen
Bank and Sparebank NOR.
Saturday 10 December 2022
New inspirational book published by former NIFF member Jens
A new handbook on the ecology of bats is now ready
for dispatch.
The book has been under development for some time, but will be available on the
market next year.
It is the Exetor-based company Pelagic Publishing that is launching the book "A
miscellany of bats", on behalf of Fenton and the late Swedish researcher Rydell.
Melville Brock Fenton is professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo in
Ontario, Canada.
Jens Rydell was a researcher and photographer associated with Lund University in
Both authors have PhDs in bats, with a lifelong devotion to the subject.
The book has now been printed, and will be available from 10 January next year.
The cost is 30 British pounds.
The book has been assigned ISBN number 978-1-78427-294-4.
We have received a copy of the book that will be
described in Fennoscandian Bats and Gudnjoloddi.
Saturday 3 December 2022
Construction project at Mosvangen ignores bats
Stavanger municipality has assigned Multiconsult
and LINK Arkitektur the responsibility for planning the development of
Poppeltunet in Mosvangen by the
According to LINK, the project must have high ambitions for environmentally
sound sustainability.
In light of this, Leila Sunniva Berg from Multiconsult called to ask if they
could hang up bat boxes, and thus be able to take the bats into account.
It was stated
that boxes have no real effect on bats as they rarely use boxes and in any case
have many alternative places to be.
It was proposed to integrate solutions in the buildings that were
environmentally friendly towards bats.
These can be built-in roosts in the house's outer shell, as well as taking into
account the choice of ceiling material, so that these do not harm bats.
The outdoor areas could also be improved by choosing trees, as well as taking
existing trees into account during the construction work.
However, it turned out that it was too late to integrate solutions into the
planning work.
She hoped that the construction of special boxes
for bats would be able to compensate for the fact that they had not taken bats
into account during the planning of Poppeltunet.

Poppeltunet is to be built on the other side of the Mosvatnet, without the
statutory considerations being taken into account. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 19 November 2022
Long-standing bat exhibition at Mønsted
On 26 February 2006, the foundation was handed
seven stuffed animals to be used in their exhibition.
This included four bats that were all from Denmark.
a Daubentons Bat,
a Serotine
a Natterers'
were among the
The animals were rented free of charge, as part of the collaboration between the
foundation and NIFF.
The animals are considered irreplaceable, especially the
This was a specimen bought from a taxidermist in Aalborg, and was ringed in
1971. This specimen probably represents the oldest find of the species in the
During a visit to Mønsted
in August, it turned out that the old exhibition had been replaced.
A long-standing employee could not tell what had happened to our rented animals.
The old manager Per Bugge Vegger retired on 1 May 2019, after 21 years of
operation with the foundation at the mines.
Since then, there have been two new managers, and two of the three original
employees have quit due to internal problems.
Today's foundation is a new one created to supersede the old one.
The stuffed animals are individually marked and registered with the Danish
Nature Agency.
It is therefore not possible for "new owners" to say that the animals belong to
The contract states that the animals must be returned to the rightful owner,
which is NIFF.
The association is awaiting clarification from the
newest foundation.

The stuffed bats at Mønsted
have unique historical value.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 12 November 2022
Bat workshop at the
National Museum of Art
NIFF was invited to participate in a shadow
workshop at our largest national museum, which has just been opened at Vestbanen
in Oslo.
The event was held on Sunday 30 October, in connection with the Halloween
NIFF had a complex exhibition on
table along the wall.
bat literature
and fiction, own publications,
ultrasound detectors, a stuffed bat and five examples of bat boxes were
There was already a
when we opened the doors at
There was a steady stream of children and adults as there were always around 50
people in the premises.
The doors closed at
It is estimated that around 400 people visited the workshop.

Bat workshop at the
National Museum of Art.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 29 October 2022
Utterslev Mose is possibly Scandinavia's richest bat locality
Utterslev Mose comprises an area of approximately
3 km²
consisting of four lakes with several small islands and a lot of swamp
The area is designed for people as most of the land bordering the
been converted into parkland.
The areas were originally a marsh that was connected to Copenhagen's defensive
line Vestvollen, which stretches from Utterslev Mose down to Køge Bukt.
The lakes are rich in nutrients and known for their rich bird fauna.
In the year 2000, the area was protected.
A rich bat fauna has also been recorded in the area.
High production of insects makes the areas important
Species such as
Party-colored Bat,
Daubentons Bat,
Banded Pipistrell
Nathusius' Pipistrell
are all recorded here.
In the summer of 2022, NIFF
surveyed the area
several days.
Passive detectors were deployed at all four lakes, and transects were made
around the three largest lakes.
The result can be seen in the next issue of
We have also made a Scandinavian
about the locality.

Utterslev Mose in Copenhagen. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 22 October 2022
during the corona pandemic were illegal
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Norwegian
government introduced entry restrictions where a number of local roads were
closed to entry into Norway.
Those caught for
were sentenced on the spot by the police.
The penalty was NOK 15,000, or a prison sentence.
Certain groups were allowed to cross the border, but it was always unclear to
whom this applied, and for which border roads.
The enforcement of the rules was in practice individual, depending on the
individual policeman, customs officer or soldier's interpretation of the rules
and the traveler's documentation.
NIFF was stopped in such an inspection and received a fine of NOK 15,000.
We have not
the fine, which was given in connection with a
car transect between Romerike and western Värmland.
Now it turns out that the police's practice of stopping and fining at the border
was illegal.
The Eidsivating Court confirmed on 14 September (reference
LE-2022-68294) that the police broke the law from 16 November 2020. The Schengen
agreement Norway has entered into requires freedom of movement within its
Temporary closure of the border can only be done for a maximum of 6 months.
Norway had most border crossings closed during
practically the entire two years of the pandemic.

During much of the pandemic, the local roads
completely closed to crossing.
Foto: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 4 October 2022
The Norwegian Postal Service, - a
disgrace for Norway
In year 2000 the Norwegian Postal Service was at
its best when concerning capacity, coverage, efficiency and integrity. Since,
the Norwegian Postal Service has been reorganized a number of times to become
more efficient and prosper. One of their first strategies was to buy a number of
companies, and organize them under the trademark Bring. Since, the Norwegian
Postal Service have been running both Bring and Posten Norge as
two parallel companies under the same Concern.
However, the Norwegian Postal Service has gradually degraded during the
past 20 years. Almost all Post Offices have been closed, Postgiro (late the
Postbank) has disappeared, stamps have no function anymore, and the mail is now
delivered two or three times a week. Before this was 6 times every week.
This summer NIFF received a book sent by priority mail (A-mail) from
England. It was mailed on 4. July, but didn't reach its destination before 26.
August. The shipment was reported missing, and the publisher sent a new book,
before the first shipment had arrived. The second shipment was mailed on 22.
August, but didn't arrive destination before 4. October. In the "old days" a
letter took 3-5 days between destinations. Now it took respectively 43 and 52
days. Posten Norge (The Norwegian Postal Service Bring) calls this
efficiency. I would presume that Royal Mail have put themselves in a
similar position.
Saturday 24 September 2022
Phenology studies
postponed till the spring
The passive detectors we use for the phenology studies have been worn out over
time. It is important that they work properly and that the sampling rate
(microphone sensibility) is comparable during and between seasons. This means
that they should be to service, and microphones need to be replaced when
necessary. We finally were able to fund this after years of lacking funding. The
detectors should be operational from the spring.

An AnaBat Swift at Leira (Romerike). Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 17 September 2022
Zero Crossing is
still superior to Full Spectrum
Australian firm Titley Scientific and Chris Corben developed during the
beginning of the 2000’s a passive detector for monitoring bat activity by
recording their calls. At that time battery power and SD card storage capacity
was a significant limitation, thus a huge problem
for bat researcher.
It reduced the length of each deployment
To overcome this problem
Corben developed
a detector sampling in
Zero Crossing (ZC), which in essences require no storage space
accompanied by low battery consumption.
However, most European scientists have generally not accepted Zero Crossing
as a competent identification tool for bats. During recent years newer detector
models have included both Full Spectrum and Zero Crossing, to
enable selling it to the entire global market. But the tendency is that Zero
Crossing might be faced out over time.
During fieldwork carrying out Environmental Impact Assessments at two wind
turbine projects in Denmark, it became evident that Zero Crossing still
is superior to Full Spectrum when monitoring bats over longer periods.
Already after the third night (30 hours of operation) the SD cards were full.
This suggest
that ZC will be superior to FS for many years to come. Furthermore, Zero
Crossing is the underlying technology used when automated identification
software, such as Wildlife Acoustics’ Kaleidoscope, is used.

Chris Corben is the creator of Zero Crossing. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 10 September 2022
Mating season for the Parti-colored Bat has started
This species forage above lakes during summer, and migrate to nearby cities
during fall where it mates and hibernate. During the mating season it performs
its display flight with a sound audible to most people below 55 in age. Tall
buildings are chosen, typically apartment buildings of 9 stories or more.
However, industrial buildings, silos, churches, quarries or even natural cliffs
may be selected if they are tall enough.
The stronghold of the species lie in southern Scandinavia (south of
Oslo-Stockholm), which include Aarhus and Copenhagen. It is also commonly found
in northern Germany. In the rest of Europe it seems to have a patchy
distribution. However, the species absence probably reflects the lack of bat
workers surveying this species during the fall months, rather then its actual
The season starts in September and lasts till Christmas if the weather permits.
Their display flight may still be observed during 0ºC and with landscape covered
in snow! It is found as far south as Slovenia and Switzerland, and fall records
of migratory individuals has been made in the Pyrenees. During recent years it
has been reported annually from bat hospitals in the south of England.
We wish tips of any European observations made during the fall or winter, For more
information about this species and its fall activities may be viewed at

The Parti-colored Bat. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 3 September 2022
The fall is approaching, initiating phenology studies
fall's studies on bat foraging activity have been initiated. The pipistrell
species migrate, and may disappear from Eastern Norway and Svealand already in
mid-August. The migration to this genus can last until October. At the same
time, the hunting activity of all bat species is greatly reduced from the turn
of the month August/September in the same area. In Norrland, Trøndelag and
northern Norway, the frost may start as early as the end of August.
The challenge also this season will be the border crossing from Sweden or
Denmark, back to Norway. Travelling to these countries to deploy and maintain
the detectors is unproblematic. However, the return is always uncertain due to
different practice of rules between police officers. This can lead to extra time
and costs for NIFF, as it is the business manager from Norway who carries out
most of the work.

with Bogstad farm in
Oslo. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Saturday 27 August 2022
Phenology studies
halted by Norway Grant project
For over 15 years
have worked closely with
Norske Naturveiledere (Naturopa),
with whom we have shared equipment and office. Naturopa
carry out a number of EIA on bats, which also
finance their idealistic work. At first they were registered as a foundation,
but today resume their work as a private organization with the same objectives.
In August 2021 Naturopa was granted a project through EFTA's Norway Grant. The
project involved a Polish municipality
powiat) who
also function as the Project Promoter. The funds from this project was
integrated in the general budget for Naturopa during the fall of 2021 and spring
of 2022. So it was expected to carry out service and upgrades of our passive
detectors. Unfortunately, the Polish municipality have not fulfilled their
obligations in the project, and outstanding funding is yet to be received after
one year into the project.
This has resulted in that necessary maintenance
of our equipment still remains, making the equipment unavailable for this years
phenology studies.maintenance

An AnaBat Swift detector at Østensøvannet in Oslo. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
20 August 2022
Calls of the Bats of Britain published in new edition
The second edition of
this book was published by Pelagic Publishing this summer. It is a quite
extended and updated version of the first edition which was published eight
years ago. This 301 page book, written by Neil Middleton, Andrew Froud and Keith
French, describe the social calls of 23 bat species both resident and vagrant to
Britain and Ireland. In reality this covers most species in Central and Northern
Europe. The book has up-to-date
information with 280 figures and 61 tables. A supplementary sound library is
included, where calls illustrated in the text may be downloaded from a sound
library on the www.
NIFF has contributed considerably to the book, especially when concerning the
Northern Bat and the Parti-colored Bat.
The book is a must for any bat worker working with bat sound. A full review will
be available in the December number of Fennoscandian Bats.
23 July 2022
Greater Mouse-eared Bat expanding range in
The Greater Nouse-eared Bat
was first time recorded in Sweden during February 1985. It was found at a
hibernation site in
Fyledalen in Scania (Skåne) by Rune Gerell and
Karin G. Lundberg. This species has never been found in Denmark or Finland.
Furthermore, it has not been recorded from the former Danish areas of northern
However, now the species seem to reveal itself from several localities in
southern Sweden. Annual observations, also at new localities, have been
registered since
2014, which indicate
the species might be expanding its range. If the expansion is actual, or just a
result of increased fieldwork, remains to be seen. Regardless, this species seem
to have a permenent population in Skåne and the nearby areas, in which it has
been found around 60 times.

Greater Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis myotis).
Photo: François Schwaab. |
28 May 2022
All reports on bats in
municipalities is now being
NIFF is now
all reports registered
in public offices and
in which they have
requested survey work.
surveys could be the result of an Environmental Impact
triggered by the Planning and Building Act, or
in force of their obligation to have knowledge of their local bat fauna in
public planning and management.
The reports are to be included in our bibliography on bat literature in
Scandinavia, but are also an important source of the animals' distribution and
Furthermore, we will also investigate whether the Nature
Diversity Act
the Environmental Information Act and the Planning and Building Act are being
followed up in the municipalities.
All the 356 municipalities in Norway, 290 in
Sweden and 98 in Denmark are included in the survey.
9 April 2022
Mines are important for detecting
rare bat species
Caves and
mines are used by many bat species as
They choose cool and frost-free locations with high humidity when they
start to hibernate
for several months until March
In Southern and Central Europe we find in many caves and mines thousands of
overwintering bats.
We also find such mines in Denmark (Mønsted, Daugbjerg and Thingbæk).
But in Norway, Sweden and Finland the numbers are quite small, where a few dozen
animals are considered many.
Nevertheless, these mines are important.
Not for bats, but for bat researchers.
are difficult to detect
during summer using
traditional methods such as bat detectors or capture techniques,
but may during
winter easily
be discovered as
the animals are dormant and can easily be observed up close.
Examples of such
discoveries is the Bechstein's Bat in Scania (Skåne)
and the Barbastelle
in Vestfold.

The Barbastell was rediscovered during March 2004 in Norway, as it was
recorded from a water tunnel.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde.
26 March 2022
Swedish wind turbine firm Vattenfall plan expantion in North Sea
In Norway, Vattenfall and the Norwegian company
Seagust have formed a joint venture.
Via the joint venture, the companies will offer licenses in the areas Utsira
Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø II in the North Sea.
The Norwegian government has previously announced that it plans to build new
wind power with a capacity of up to 4.5 GW, consisting of both floating and
bottom-mounted wind turbines.
The licensing process is expected to continue in 2022.
26 February 2022
6th CWW conference in Netherlands
goes as planned
first CWW meeting was organized in Trondhjem during May 2011, followed by the
Vindval conference in Stockholm during February 2013. NIFF participated
at both conferences. Since, it has been organized every two
years, hosted in Berlin, Lisbon and Stirling.
The 6th
Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CWW) will be organized by Bureau
Waardenburg Ecology & Landscape. It was
from last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is scheduled to go forward as
planned in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands during 4. - 8.
19 February 2022
Newspapers speculate on illegal photo use
always have a great need for
for their articles. As soon as the newspaper uses pictures from other than
permanent employees, it costs them quite a lot. From 1000 to several thousand
kroner for each picture. It has therefore been the practice of many editors to
only "borrow" images without permission. The risk of being caught is quite small
and they are never
legally. The only consequence is that they have to pay for the picture. In
practice, this means double the price of the image.
The newspaper
Valdres used an image taken from NIFF's website in connection with the
publication of an article on 13 October 2015 about rabies found on
bat in
Valdres. It was editor Ivar Brynildsen who then made the decision to use the
image. Today's editor (Hilde Havro)
the photo information directly while NIFF was on the phone with her. They could
have fixed
this earlier
one of several previous inquiries. At the same time, the newspaper's magazine
editor Torbjørn Moen expressed that he thought they had not done anything wrong,
despite the fact that they were
caught red-handed!
Read more about the case in the next issue of
Fennoscandian Bats.

This picrure was used without permission. Photo:
Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
12 February 2022
The Norwegian Government is investing in wind turbines in the
North Sea ▲
On 9
February, the Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre presented the plan to
Southern North Sea with floating wind turbines. The first phase of the
project (Sørlige
Nordsjø II)
establish turbines with production capacity of
1500 megawatts. This corresponds to the consumption of 460,000 households.
Expensive solutions with transport of energy lead to the development being less
profitable, and therefore the Government has plans to subsidize the development.
It is
that the first wind turbines will be ready between 2025 and 2030.
is known that bats fly between Rogaland and Scotland. Almost
bats appear on oil drilling platforms in the North Sea.
recently was
the autumn
of 2019 when
two discoveries of
Pipistrelle was
made on the Ula platform.
Knowledge of migratory bats
across the
North Sea is
of today no
environmental impact
have been
carried out in this area,
this is
required by a
number of Norwegian environmental protection laws and the European bat

. Photo:
Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
22 January 2022
The European Bats
Agreement is 30 years
The European Bats
Agreement was signed in London on the 4th of December 1991. The Agreement
put forward a number of demands which national authorities need to implement.
The contents of the agreement does not take effect before it has been integrated
into national law and regulations.
Law and legislation both in Scandinavia and
within the EU are relatively sufficient for bat protection. Both the bats and
their habitats are relatively good protected, and there are high requirement to
Environmental Impact Assessments and follow up mitigation. However, the
European Bats Agreement has had little, if any, impact on national and local
management of bats.
Mostly, legislation in favor of wildlife is
ignored or overlooked. It is the management authorities themselves who violate
the rules, including local, regional and national level. Also institutions such
as road authorities violate the rules on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the
nature protection authorities are mostly passive and careful and withdrawn when
it comes to follow-up of the bats agreement. For instance Norway has no
Norwegian version of the agreements text for at least the ten first years of the
agreement, and the Regional Environmental Protection Agencies had not received
the agreement text. It was first in 2019 that the Norwegian Directorate for
Nature Management formed guidelines for how bats are to be treated in wind
turbine planning and construction. And still, to this date, no EIA has been
carried out in Norway on bats and wind turbines!
In connection to NIFF's 25 year jubilee, we are
now writing a booklet addressing all the violations of the agreement done in
Scandinavia. Norway reaches first place on number of serious violations, but
both Denmark and Sweden have some serious issues as well.
information will also be presented in future issues of
Fennoscandian Bats.

Østerild testcenter does not monitor spring migration. The northern part
of Denmark is a natural bottle-neck for spring migration of birds. However,
bats were not studied during the most important season. Photo:
Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
8 January 2022
wish our readers a Happy New Year
The past year had many challenges with the Covid-19 pandemic. Postponed
conferences from 2020 were planned for 2021. However, the pandemic was even more
aggressive during last year, forcing all physical meetings in Europe (except
Sweden) to be cancelled. On top of this we lost our two most important bat
scientists as Ingemar Ahlén and Jens Rydell both died. Travel between
Scandinavian countries has also been a challenge due to freedom restrictions.
This has affected NIFF’s fieldwork.
On the bright side, last year had a European record high of
number of bat conferences. This was because all the physical conferences were
organized «online» as web-meetings.
NIFF has now existed for 25 years, and also others
are celebrating their jubilees this coming year. I hope 2022 will strengthen the
bat work in Europe.

Leif Gjerde checking a hibernating Brown Long-eared Bat. Photo:
Lea Likozar. |
24 December 2021
Entry forms had "bats" as a transport alternative
The Norwegian tabloid
Verdens Gang (VG) reported on Thursday last week,
that the entry form everyone must fill out before entering Norway on,
shows the word bat as a travel alternative when listing means of
The website is administered by the
Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning.
They tell VG that an error occurs when translating "båt"
as a means of transport.
It is the translation program on the browser that misinterprets the word
as the English word bat, which means bat.
The online journal
Forvaltning has monitored the authorities' follow-up of border crossings
during the corona pandemic.
Jan-Erik Ask from Urett Forvaltning can tell
that the travel form is incomplete and leaves no room for comments.
This forces the traveler to fill in incomplete, incorrect or misleading
information which may later have legal consequences for the traveler, e.g.
in the form of high fines as punishment.

border control at Morokulien in Hedmark,
Norway. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
29 August 2021
for new phenology stations included on our web-pages
During recent years
NIFF have developed an extensive web-page on bat phenology. In addition to early
and late spring/fall observations, the web page also include weather data from
representative areas of Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
From this fall, we have included some new
stations. These include
Trodla-Tysdal (representing Norways' southwest
coastline and fjords), Tynset (representing an inland continental climate), Bardufoss
and Tana
(representing the northern-most distribution of the Northern Bat.

Trodla-Tysdal i Ryfylket. Foto: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
9 August 2021
The fall is
approaching, initiating phenology studies
studies on bat
activity has been
The pipistrell species migrate, and
disappear from Eastern Norway and Svealand already in mid-August.
migration to
this genus
can last until October.
At the same time, the hunting activity of all bat
species is greatly reduced
from the turn of the month August/September in the same area.
In Norrland, Trøndelag and northern Norway, the frost
start as early as the end of August.
challenge also this season will be the border crossing from Sweden
Denmark, back
to Norway.
Traveling to these countries to deploy
the detectors is unproblematic.
the return is always uncertain due to different practice of rules between police
This can lead to extra time and costs for NIFF, as it is the business manager
from Norway who carries out most of the work.

border control at Morokulien in Hedmark,
Many have criticized the strict control
be in
Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
5 July 2021
Summer foraging
activity surveyed
in Rogaland Arboretum
Rogaland Arboretum has since the end of the 1990's been used for experimenting
with new bat box models. The arboretum has a high number of Soprano Pipistrelles
during fall. Many bird boxes were occupied by male bats and their harems. Since
1998, a various of bat box models have been tested against occupancy of these
Despite the ongoing projects at the arboretum, a
summer survey has never been carried out on foraging bats, a survey is also
important since it will open the possibility for bat walks during summer.
This summer the arboretum was surveyed during
three nights. The first night (28 June) by walking a 4.98 km transect, followed
by point counts on 29. June, and deployment of detectors on 3. July.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
13 May 2021
Batlife Sweden and
Batlife Sweden is not the same organization
Until recently, Sweden did not have its own bat association.
been carried out by researchers and consultants.
Organizations like the
World Wide Fund for Nature and the Swedish Society for Nature
Conservation have worked with bats on a project basis. Furthermore, Ingemar
Ahlén's identification literature is published through the Swedish
Society for Nature Conservation
its youth organization.
They also run Taberg mines where they have
a permanent bat
exhibition and
organize tours in
the mines.
May 2004, NIFF changed from being a Norwegian to a Nordic association. The
domain names, fladdermö and were all bought in
2004. The domains got their own web hotels in 2006, when the
Fladdermusföreningen in Värmland was also established and at the same time
got its own web page.
Today, the Bat Association in Sweden
i Sverige)
affiliated with the Nordic
Information Center (NIFF), and with Batlife Sweden as the English
name of the association. This is not the same association organized by Johnny de
Jong and Cecilia Wide. In 2019, they established an association with the same
name, without contacting NIFF or investigating the situation in Sweden.

Bat excursion in Värmland in 2007 and 2018.
Photoz: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
10 May 2021
original and successful bat conference in Turku
Last week, the 15th European Bat Research Symposium was organized by the
University of Turku and the Helsinki Museum of Natural History.
The conference was scheduled for last August 2020, but had to be moved to August
2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
After some fuss with the choice of time, the conference was finally held from 4
to 7 May.
It was organized as an internet conference.
organizers had found good and functional platforms for the conference, and the
participants probably felt that this was really a
and not just another webinar.
The conference was
with 236 participants from 34 countries, and a number of new research results
were presented
posters and lectures.
This conference was characterized by the proportion of more researchers and
topics outside Europe than normal,
compared with previous conferences.
A more in-depth article about the conference can be read in the autumn issue of
Gudnoloddi and Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
10 April 2021
Internationally renowned bat researcher Jens Rydell has died
One of the world's most renowned bat researchers, the Swede Jens Rydell, died of
a heart attack at the age of 67 on 8 April.
He grew up
in Västergötland, where for several years he was also associated with the
University of Gothenburg.
For several decades, he has
built up an international reputation for high-quality research.
He was a pioneer in several of his studies, and in recent years he contributed
significantly to research on bats and wind turbines through the Vindval project.
He was a life-time member of NIFF.
A more
in-depth article about his work can be read in the spring issue of Gudnoloddi
and Fennoscandian Bats.
He will
be greatly missed.

Jens Rydell
a lecture at the Vindval conference in Stockholm 2013.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
25 March 2021
International Berlin Bat Meeting
International Berlin Bat Meeting have through the years been organized by the Leibniz
Institute in Berlin.
In average this event has been organized every two years, but was postponed from
2019 due to a conflicting event. In 2020 the
Covid-19 pandemic
the event even further. The still on-going pandemic this spring resulted in that
the Leibniz Institute did not wish to move the event yet another time. So it was
organized as a webinar.
This years online
IBBM was the sixth to be held. It was carried out during three days from
to 24th of March. It is important to keep updated on bat research and results,
so NIFF joined the webinar. The event, and some of its results, will be
presented in the next issue of Fennoscandian Bats.

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
18 March 2021
EuroBats celebrate 30 years
This year it is 30 years since the European Bats Agreement was signed.
EUROBATS is the name of the administration that ensures that the agreement is
followed up.
They are located in Bonn (Germany) where the secretariat is
for the contracting parties.
now preparing
to summarize how the Nordic countries (excluding Iceland) have followed up on
the content of the agreement.
The result will be presented in the December issue of Fennoscandian Bats.
14 March 2021
gather information on all past
European Bat
Research Symposiums
Today, the website
launched with information about previous and upcoming European Bat Research
EBRS was first organized in 1978, and has since been followed up by a conference
every three years. The organizers of each symposium have their own individual
solutions with a web page that will inform about the upcoming or ongoing
conference. Unfortunately, these web pages eventually disappear, making the
information from and about the conference difficult to track down. Information
about location, content, organizer and published material (such as the Abstract
Book) is from many symposia practically impossible to trace after a few years.
aim of the new web page is to make the information easily accessible long after
the organizer's web pages have been closed down. Furthermore, the date and
organizer of upcoming conferences can be found at
This allows
potential participants to easier find the upcomming conference web-page when it
is launched, and avoid unnecessary constant search for a conference web-page
before it has been published.

in Donostia in 2017.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
10 March 2021
No monitoring of
spring phenology in 2021
We have
had some operating problems with our detectors from Titley Scientific. At
the same time our government led by Erna Solberg have posted unreasonable
demands concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. We have therefore decided to cancel
the project this spring.
Since we purchased the AnaBat Express detectors,
we have experienced inconsistency in their reliability. Without warning,
individual detectors seem to malfunction. The problems seem to vary, and so does
which detector might be involved. In general one of the ten seem to randomly
have this problem.
The cause of these problems are unknown, but we
suspect cheap components installed during production might be a contributing
factor. Regardless, these results in that we always need to expect that one or
two detectors mal-function during deployment, with the risk of loosing valuable
All the detectors will again be tested for any
obvious problems.
28 February 2021
project threatened
clumsy border control
In recent
years, the idealistic
Information Center (NIFF) has developed a network of automatic stations that
each spring and autumn collect data on bat activity as the weather becomes
milder or colder, depending on
With the
of Norwegian (and partly Swedish) rules, after the Covid-19 pandemic started in
February last year, the situation has required increased
of a long-term
Scandinavian phenology study.
The main problem, however, is not the regulations, but that the
(police, customs, military) who control the borders on behalf of the national
governments, are inconsistent in their interpretations and
of the law.
This leads
to more
work and
costs for
with the risk of jeopardizing a multi-year research project on climate.

Swedish police at the border control in Eda, Värmland.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
10 February 2021
The Swedish bat legend Ingemar Ahlén died at the age of 87
Ingemar Ahlén
was born on
29th of
July 1936
in Värmland.
He was a Swedish ecologist
the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) where he, among other
studied bats.
He discovered in the late 1970s that bat species could be distinguished
their ultrasound.
published identification
literature in Swedish and English, and was the first in the world
within his
He has since been central in mapping the distribution of Swedish bats, and
described several new species for Sweden.
In recent years he has also been involved in research on bats at wind turbines
both on land and offshore.
He has also described
in Swedish bats.
Ahlén was taken from us far too soon when he died on 6 February.
Unfortunately, he contracted the Covid-19 virus which contributed to his death.
He still had a lot to do to contribute to
will be greatly missed.
A more in-depth article about his work can be read
in the spring issue of Gudnoloddi and Fennoscandian Bats.

Ingemar Ahlén
the Vindval conference in Stockholm 2013.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
4 February 2021
4th EABDW i Edinburgh has been cancelled
The fourth
European Alpine Bat Detector Workshop was scheduled to take place in Edinburgh
Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the practical problems that followed,
have resulted in this year's workshop in Edinburgh
We are working on another location this September, alternatively it will be
organized in Scotland next year.
More information can be found

the Anabat Walkabout is tested at the
EABDW in Vercors, France.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
19 January 2021
11th European Bat Detectors Workshop
has been cancelled
Due to the
cancellation of the European Bat Research Symposium in Turku (Finland),
there is no point
to organize the workshop.
workshops have been organized in conjunction with the European Bat
(EBRS) every three years since 1991. By organizing a training course just before
or after the conference, it made it possible for people to combine their
Furthermore, the workshop has served as an extended part of the conference.
The next workshop will be held at the next European Bat Research Symposium,
provided that EBRS is not organized as a webinar.

Chris Corben at the eighth EBDW in Aukstadvaris (Lithuania) in August 2011.
Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
15 January 2021
celebrates its 25th anniversary
NIFF was founded in May 1997. It was a result of the bat groups
at Jæren, Romerike and in Tydal (Trøndelag) were established.
Strictly speaking, NIFF
is 25 years old in May 2022, but 2021 is the 25th year of operation.
We will thus mark the
anniversary with information about our history.
At the
same time, the European Bats Agreement is 30 years old, and we will mark the
Scandinavian authorities’ lack of commitment through a number of serious
This also
includes discrimination and bullying of our organization which involves the
Zoological Museum in Copenhagen, the Swedish Environmental Protection
Agency and the Directorate for Nature Management in Norway.

From the bat meeting at Rogaland Arboretum in 2003. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
5 January 2021
European Bat Research Symposium 2020/2021 cancelled
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainties regarding its
development this year, the symposium organizers have decided to cancel the
conference. There is uncertainties
weather the next conference will be in 2023 or 2024.
The organizers have decided to replace the conference with a webinar. It
will be organized on 4th through 7th of May, just after the other European
webinar (organized by Leibniz Institute) has been finished. This means that two
events, which traditionally have been complementary, now have become competitors
due to the poor timing.
For more information
and updates on the webinar check their web page

Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
9 December 2020
First Danish
wind turbine project ever to be legally stopped due to bats
wind turbine project
at Nørrekær Enge, just
south of Limfjorden in
Denmark, has
included the planning of 36 new wind turbines to the existing ten.
The area is close to a Natura 2000 area in
which the
presence of Pond
Bats is one of the
reasons the area has been designated special protection.
A legal committee has withdrawn the construction permit
given by the two municipalities involved. The reasons for the withdrawal is that
The environmental
report (EIA)
is based on incorrect assumptions about the
Bat's way of flying
and (2)
The bat survey
made in the area as a part of the EIA, has been insufficient
given the size of the project area and the location close to the Natura 2000
The owner of the
project is the energy company Vattenfall, which is 100% owned by the Swedish
government. They have trough the project Vindval developed methodology on how to
carry out EIA at wind turbine projects. This work is extremely extensive, going
on for around 10 years. However, these standards Vattenfall has not applied on
their own project abroad.
More information will be available in the next
number of Fennoscandian Bats.

The first EIA on bats and wind
turbines in Denmark was carried out by Naturopa Consultancies for Just Wind A/S
at Barløse in Assens. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
8 September 2020
Windless for the Norwegian wind power industry
Norway is at least 10 years
behind Europe in both bat research and
regulations when
wind turbines
are being established.
There has been great political
to use wind energy as "green
management and negligence
at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Agency
(NVE) and the
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
have led to increasing
criticism of the management
authorities for
negligence and violation of
processing cases.
NIFF has
increasingly focused on the wind power industry, and
feel now the need
follow up after many years of
the industry
ignoring regulations
and international agreements.
At the same time, the opposition is growing with the
association Motvind as the most important single player.
In less than a year, they have gathered over 17,935 members.
has now decided to
on the wind power industry
and its opportunities as well as threats to bat

In many areas bats are more at risk than birds for collitions with wind
turbines. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
27 August 2020
Hot spots for bats being mapped in Sweden
Important foraging sites
have previously been mapped in Norway by NIFF, and in Denmark through the Danish
monitoring project NOVANA. Three criteria determine the importance of an area.
(1) High numbers of foraging bats, (2) high species diversity and (3) seasonal
High numbers of
flying bats indicate the importance for bat populations. The number of species
is a practical measure for conservation. Bat activity throughout the summer
season is useful for the individual batworker to know how likely it is to find
bats at every visit. So every star is a measure for how important the locality
is. Traditionally, NIFF has marked such places from one to three stars.
Batlife Sweden has
now begun to map potential foraging areas throughout Sweden. Areas where
phenology stations are located are prioritized. This includes three areas in
Svealand and four areas in Götaland. All locations that are identified as
interesting will eventually be visited for surveys, where we start with areas in

Hovdala is an important bat locality for foraging bats. Photo: Leif Yngve
Gjerde. |
9 August 2020
The Norwegian
forward phone calls to
bats help line
An amusing
incident was experienced today. A caller had found a
dislocated bat at Tunnsjøen in Aurskog-Høland, almost on the border with Fet
municipality (Eastern Norway). When the animal was
found, it was helpless on the ground. This often
happens since pups can easily get lost after they collide into something or fall
down when learning to fly. To preserve energy, it is common
for bats to lower their body temperature during summer as well.
This means that they often cannot fly even if they are not
The caller tried to
get hold of the local wildlife authority (Viltnemnda) by calling the police's
ordinary telephone number 64 993000. Neither the local wildlife authority nor
Fet municipality exist anymore, but the police in the so-called Police District
East (not Finnmark,
but Follo police station) found NIFF's telephone number and diverted the
callers' numbers, via
the police station, to us.

Photo: Leif Yngve
Gjerde. |
18 July 2020
New information
center for bats opens on Bornholm
year, the Danish nature agency
will inaugurate a new
information center
for bats in Rø plantation
on Bornholm.
With an
center on Bornholm,
to spread knowledge
of bats
for the benefit of school students, scout troops, nature-interested tourists and
people from Bornholm.
center will be located to
an old dilapidated, thatched building
Rø plantation
- also called Borgedalslængen - where a colony of
Brown Long-eared
has settled in the attic.
To save the colony's habitat, parts of the building are being
renovated, while other parts are to be demolished. In
order to disturb the bat colony as little as possible, demolition and repairs
are adapted to the bats' annual cycle.
center will be set up on the ground floor of the building and will house an
exhibition about the bats'
ecology, and it will
be possible to follow life in the attic via an infrared camera.

The building where the
information center is to be located at
Rø plantation on
Bornholm. Photo: Leif Yngve
Gjerde. |
30 June 2020
European bat species discovered
The Gaisler’s Long-eared Bat Plecotus gaisleri
has now been recognized as a European bat species, with a limited distribution
in the Mediterranean basin. Published material based on field surveys and
molecular analysis has now confirmed the species to occur in Italy (Pantelleria)
(Ancillotto et al. 2020) and the islands of Malta and Gozo (Mifsud &
Vella 2019).
This species was
described in 2004 using a specimen from north-eastern Libya. It was then
dedicated as a subspecies (Plecotus teneriffae gaisleri) to the Canary
Long-eared Bat. Earlier this subspecies has been associated to the Brown
Long-eared Bat and then the Grey Log-eared Bat. Last it was placed as a
subspecies to Mediterranean Long-eared Bat, before it was acknowledged as a
separate species.
In Norwegian and Danish NIFF has suggested the name berberlangøre, in
Swedish berberlångöra. The names become valid if no remarks are received
within 1. November.

A Brown Long.eared Bat in a Norwegian church. Photo: Leif Yngve
Gjerde. |
10 June 2020
Finnish bat atlas
In November, the journal Annales Zoologici
Fennici published an atlas of bats in Finland.
A task
that took 5 years to complete.
The sources for the
atlas are museum collections, publications, databases and unpublished material.
From a species diversity of six 150 years ago, a total of
13 species of bats have now
been registered in Finland.
Five species are considered regular.
These are
Eptesicus nilssonii, Myotis brandtii, M. daubentonii, M. mystacinus
and Plecotus auritus.
Two more species have been found with maternity wards.
is based on 11,234 observations, of which 9,717 are identified species.
As many as 89% of these are from the period 1993-2014.
The atlas covers 25% of all 10x10 km UTM routes.
30 May 2020
Brown Long-eared
is said to be red
listed due to light
This is the first
time Plecotus auritus has
been red listed in
According to the website, this species was
until recently quite common and occurred in every church.
the website claims that lighting outside churches
during night does not coincide with biodiversity.
For the animals, this is apparently a disaster because the bats seem
to leave such churches. It is further claimed that this
species has declined from many areas. In Skåne
(Skania), it seems
to be heading towards extinction.
According to, light also kills bats.
In addition, they conclude that this species has
been red
listed due to

Royal Astronomical Society, from Wikipedia. |
10 May 2020
regulation on
rehabilitation of injured and
dislocated bats
From 1 April, a new
Norwegian regulation came into force which covers injured or
It states that anyone who encounters game that is obviously
sick, injured or helpless should, as far as possible, help the animal on the
spot in accordance with the provisions on the duty to help in the Animal Welfare
Act. Sick or damaged game can be taken care of for
rehabilitation, if the game can be returned to its natural environment
a short time, and then to the same area where it was
The care shall take place in consultation with a veterinarian,
and immediately notify the Norwegian
The Game Regulations
replace four regulations that were adopted in the period 1997-2004.

Barbastell in Larvik, Norway. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
28 April 2020
European Bat Detector Workshop has been postponed
Corona pandemic, and all the society restrictions it has caused, has resulted in
that 15th
European Bat Research Symposium in Finnish Turku has been postponed till August
next year.
This means that the 11th European Bat Detector
Workshop will also be postponed.
This is organized by NIFF,
directly after the symposium in Turku.

Chris Corben at the Bat Detector Workshop in Lithuania. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
25 April 2020
New Swedish governmental red list on bats
SLU Artdatabanken presented this April
their red data list conclusion made with some selected scientists.
concept of Red Data Lists was developed
by the
International Union for
Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources
(IUCN) as a measure for what
threats various species are under.
On this version of the list the following species have been included:
Barbastella barbastellus
(NT), Eptesicus nilssonii
(NT), E. serotinus
(NT), Myotis alcathoe
(EN), M. bechsteinii
(EN), M. dasycneme
(NT), M. myotis
(EN), M. nattereri
(NT), Nyctalus leislerii
Pipistrellus pipistrellus
(VU), Plecotus auritus
(NT) och P. austriacus
Four species have been removed from
the list.
New species since
the 2015
red list are E. nilssonii
(NT), M. myotis
(EN) and
P. auritus
list has been concluded by
Ingemar Ahlén and
Johnny de Jong.

Photo: Eva Kvandal.
4 April 2020
The phenology stations have been deployed
the past two weeks, our
phenology stations have been deployed
around Scandinavia.
will record spring
activity of foraging
bats to show how spring activity increases as access to insects increases and
bats become active.
The detectors are located at Vendsyssel (2), Søhøjlandet in
Jutland (Midtjylland), Skania (Skåne),
the South
Swedish highlands, Vestra
Värmland, Østfold, Romerike and Oslo.
The detectors
will collect data
until May/June.
are checked
several times during spring,
in which
the data will be
presented on
The remaining detectors will
stay unattended, making this data available after the season.
phenology page for continuous updates on weather conditions and bats activity
during the spring (in
The results will also be presented in the spring issue of

30 March 2020
We need your spring observations
Spring has finally arrived
and the hepatica is already
blooming a number of places in southern Scandinavia.
As spring
approaches we are working on updating and improving our web-pages on phenology.
Much of its
content is based on submitted observations from members and other nature
Tips on new observations, including unidentified bats, are of
interest. The results are published on our phenology
phenology pages are constantly updated and improved.
We are
designing a new lay-out
more practical and comprehensive content.

Saturday 8 February 2020
Bat trips to see hibernating bats at
Mønsted Limestone Mines
the late 1990s Mønsted started
guided tours to see hibernating bats
during February.
They offered people tours on both Saturday and Sunday during both winter holiday
weekends. These tours were very popular and 50-150
participated on
each tour.
However, winter is a vulnerable time for bats
since they are in hibernation.
significantly reduce the bats'
survival, and thus
such activity has generally
been taboo. Most
serious researchers have rejected
such activity. It was therefore controversial when Mønsted started with
guided tours during
winter. Although
only a limited part of the mines are
visited, and where
relatively few bats have been found, many
people have
been critical to this practice.
Mønsted opened
for winter tours, this inspired other
less serious companies to start guiding as well.
studies from both Mønsted
and Thingbæk show that, despite human winter visits, the number of
bats have
increased over the years.
limestone mines have two daily tours of the mines during the entire Danish
winter holidays.

Over 18.000 bats hibernate in the mines at Mønsted in Danmark. Foto: Leif
Yngve Gjerde. |
Wednesday 5 February 2020
Dramatic decline for northern serotine in Sweden
Four scientists monitored northern bats along a 27
km using road transects at weekly intervals. The work was carried out in 1988,
1989 and 1990, and repeated with same methods under equal conditions in 2016 and
2017. The major change was that mercury-vapor street-lights along parts the
stretch were replaced with sodium lights. The results from the areas with and
without street lights were analyzed separately. For non-illuminated areas the
calculated theoretical decline was 3.0 % per year during the period.
The authors state that their results prove a
reduction of bat abundance rather then changed foraging strategy moving away
from roads. They refer to another study on Gotland where similar results have
been observed. The authors boldly conclude that a general population decline has
occurred, and suggest this species to be included as vulnerable or endangered in
the Swedish national red list of threatened species.

Northern Bat (Eptesicus nilssonii). Photo: Inge Åsheim. |
Friday 31
January 2020
11th European Bat
Detector Workshop to be organized in Finland 2020
The European Bat Detector Workshop was first organized in
the Netherlands during 1991. Since, this workshop has been organized in
connection to the European Bat Research Symposium (either just before, or
after). This year the 15th European Bat Research Symposium will be organized in
Turku during 3-7 August (check our meeting calender at
So it is
the pleasure of the Nordic Chiroptera Information Center (NIFF) to invite you
to the 11th European Bat Detector Workshop, which will be organized in
Kausala, 133 km east of Helsinki.
The five day (four night) workshop will include
peer-reviewed oral presentations, posters, workshops, and sessions for
exchanging experience in field practices.
The aim of the
workshop is to get field training in practical bat work, especially the use of
various models of both passive and active bat detectors. This will improve our
training and knowledge of the latest technology and experience on field
identification of flying bats. The mixture of novice and well experienced bat
workers (and everything between) enhances the learning process by self awareness
and development.
For more information check our web site

An Anabat passive detector with weather box. |
Tuesday 17 December 2019
tips on winter observations
Now as winter has approached, most bats have gone into
hibernation. Depending of species and location, the hibernation period lasts at
the most from September to May. Even during mild winters, bats will remain
absent from the foraging sites. It is not the air temperature itself that
regulate bat activity, but the availability of insects. Many years ago Jens
Rydell studied the flight activity of the Northern Bat, in relation to
temperture. The insect activity was correlated by the current air
temperature. Below 6°C there were no activity,
while temperature above 10°C reflected full insect and bat activity.
Bats may forage all year, if there is prey to
find. During fall and spring, southern slopes may have favorable local climate
for insects and bats. Also water temperature might be important, since insects
may hatch from water bodies when air temperature is well below
10°C, far into the fall. Southern Sweden
(Götaland), Southwestern Norway and the entire Denmark may have foraging bats
during early spring, already in March. Furthermore, the Parti-colored Bat (Vespertilio
discolor) may start its display flight near tall building structures during
all winter months, when evening temperature reaches above 4-5°C.
NIFF encourages people to report any bat activity
during the winter months, since this data is scarse and important. Both bats in
flight and hibernating individuals are both of interest.
29 November 2019
New «handbook» include all the bats in the world
Volume 9 of the Handbook of Mammals of the World is the latest issue
a book series containing
all the
in the world.
The latest
and last
volume addresses all the so far
1,400 known
species on our planet.
Each species is covered with text, maps, illustrations
and references. According to Lynx publisher, the
information should be updated, but NIFF has information that a lot of key
knowledge is not included. Still, the book is the most
comprehensive work on our bats ever
NIFF has received a copy to
book review
will appear
in the next issue of Gudnjoloddi and Fennsocandian Bats.
Thursday 31 October 2019
Bird species of the Eurasian steppes will reveal the origin of
the Party-colored Bat
The geographic origin
of the Party-colored Bat (Vespertilio discolor) has so far been unclear.
It has always been presumed that they originated from the steppe regions of
South-eastern Europe, north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Furthermore,
it was presumed they foraged in grassland during summer, followed by mating
activity and hibernation in mountain areas containing cliffs.
A new literature study has as objective to review
bird species with similar ecological and habitat requirements as the
Parti-colored Bat. This study might shead some light to the mystery that has
followed this species since the 1800's.
The study is being carried out by Leif Gjerde
from NIFF.
28 August 2019
The phenology stations
have been
Now all the phenology stations
have been
are located at Rye (Jutland), Dronninglund (Jutland), Taberg, Köla (Vestra
Värmland), Askim, Lillestrøm and Østensjøvannet (Oslo).
The stations at Frederikshavn and Djursland were not deployed
for practical reasons. The site at Hovdala was not used
because the area is not suitable for a phenology station.
An area nearby has been found to be relevant and will be
further investigated
in 2020.
detectors are programmed to
record autumn activity of
bats in flight. This will show
how fall activity
decreases as access to insects disappears and bats
eventually hibernate.

The most functional passive bat detector ever is the SongMeter 2, which
is used in this study whenever possible. |
24 July 2019
Regional differences in
food preferences is
to be
A Finnish research group seeks to collect bat
droppings throughout
the Nordic region.
The study attempts to investigate the impact of regional differences
on the reproduction and diet of bats.
Differences between northern and southern conditions
will also
be investigated.
The research group wants to use molecular methods to investigate
how the bats feed and how the occurrence of food correlates with the bats'
reproductive period.
22 July 2019
Important to label your passive detectors
Labeling detectors
with the owner's name is
important to get them back if
they ever get lost.
During a visit to Sostrup Castle in September 2018, we were
informed that an AnaBat Express was found from the NOVANA project in 2015. After
three years
it now seems the detector
is finally coming back to it
real owner. This
how important it is to mark all field equipment with
name and contact
More information
be found in the next issue of Fennoscandin Bats and Gudnjoloddi.

Sostrup Castle on Jutland. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Tuesday 25 June 2019
Increase in
number of hibernating
bats in Swedish mines due to climate change?
1980 to 2017, hibernating
bats were montored
at three abandoned mines in
southern Sweden.
Taberg and Kleva mines each have around 1.5 km of accessible
passages. Here, a maximum of 517 (Taberg) and 132 (Kleva)
bats are recorded, divided
6 species.
Ädelfors is a small mine with only a maximum of 22 individuals.
The number has been constant for
the Daubenton Bats
and Brown Longeared Bat.
In contrast, Wiskered Bat, Brandts' Bat
and Nathusius' Bat
have increased greatly in numbers.
Northern Bat
shown a significant but weak decline.
The same
trend for the same species has also been demonstrated in continental Europe and
the British Isles. This indicates that there is a common
cause for the changes in species populations.
The authors
are bold enough to suggest that there are climate changes that
might cause the
changes, without any further
evidence of this.
Jens Rydell, Johan Eklöf, Hans Fransson, and Sabine Lind. 2018. Long-Term
Increase in Hibernating Bats in Swedish Mines — Effect of Global Warming?
Acta Chiropterologica 20 (2), 421-426. ISSN

Daubentons Bat inside Romsåsen mines. Photo: Leif Yngve Gjerde. |
Thursday 25 February 2019
Bats get more opportunities to find food in Sydthy
The Danish
Agency has just begun to restore natural water level conditions at Hvidbjerg
Plantation in Thy.
natural lakes and waterholes make it easier for bats to find food.
During April, the Danish Nature Agency will restore
natural water level conditions near Bodbjerg Sande and Lillehav.
It provides new wetland areas of just under 60 hectares
distributed between the two areas.
More specifically, this means that almost five
kilometers of previously excavated ditches are covered with the previously
excavated soil from the edges of the ditches. This
prevents drainage
which till now
lead the water away from
the area, and
allows the
of water to enhance the
may be
found in the next issue of Fennoscandin Bats and Gudnjoloddi.
Nathusius Pipistrell migrate accross
Kvarken to Sweden during fall
In recent years,
researchers have assumed that the Nathusius Pipistrell, migrate across Kvarken
from Finland to Sweden during fall. Now they found evidence by radio tracking.
The life of mammals in Finland is generally well documented, but the bats
constitute an exception. The biologists recently solved a riddle since they had
to confirm that the Nathusius Pipistrell migrate accross Kvarken to Sweden
during the fall. Their flight route goes via the Valsörarna to Holmögadd.
The researchers have investigated migrating bats at Valsörarna's
Biological Station for five years. By capturing Nathusius Pipistrell and
attaching a small radio transmitter to them, it has been possible to document
the migration route. Nathusius Pipistrell are no larger than a matchbox and they
only weigh 5–10 grams, but they move 2,000 kilometers to winter in Western
Europe, says Metsähallitus.
More information can be found in the next issue of Fennoscandin Bats and

Trollpipistrell. Foto: Francois Schwaab. |
November 2018
Indre Fosen municipality reported to Police and Norwegian Food Safety Authority
according to law on animal welfare
A message of concern is forwarded to Police and the District
Veterinarian (Norwegian
Food Safety Authority)
since the municipality is planning on demolishing buildings at
Rissa. At one of these
buildings there have been recorded emerging bats, and it is unknown if the bats
still occupy the building.
The law on animal welfare (Dyrevelferdsloven) state in
§ 5
person who believe that animals are exposed to abuse or serious destruction
of environment, supervision and care, shall as urgently as possible alert
Norwegian Food Safety Authority or Police.»
NIFF have contacted a number of persons in the
municipality, but it is case worker Stian Fallrø at the planning department who
make decisions concerning inspection of the buildings involved for demolition.
NIFF sent an application on 26 June to survey the building for bats, and 138
days later (4,5 months) a reply has still not been received. Therefore, the
Parliamentary Ombudsman have been contacted to force the municipality to reply.
Indre Fosen municipality is
already known for the colony of Whiskered Bats (Myotis mystacinus)
located in Hoven old school building. At Hoven a number of laws and regulations
were ignored in connection to the improvement of the road between Vanvikan and
Leksvik. All vegetation around the colony was removed for several hundred
meters, and the landscape changed, all with the blessing of the municipality.
This is the most serious environmental crime committed on bats in Norway during
recent years. This colony is the northern most known maternity roost in Norway,
and maybe in the whole world.